If you are going to get the order in by the weekend, and everyone else is keen, then I'm happy to take my order up to 9 units and send you the extra 0.4BTC. Just confirm if I should send to the same address as the original payment.
My Anker USB hub should be arriving in the next day or two and I think it supports 9 USB devices, how convenient!
I take it your mooring fees include all your electricity. Datacenter Ahoy!
Just sent you a PM with new deposit addy so please send to that address and yes happy to up your order to 9 no worries
convenient on the ankerUSB hub
u have a link to the exact one u bought?? good for reference as i may get carried away one day needing more USB ports
and for others
well technically no the electricity not included with mooring fees... i just on a special electricity hookup point and it doesn't work properly... as in does give me electricity but does not count down the amount loaded on the meter.. so best of both worlds
is why I have been able to run 6 PC pretty much for over a year now
so yeah my own mini datacenter
Trying to get BTC to pay for my full wind and solar turbines and battery bank so I will have guaranteed free electricity for the rest of my life.... and it has paid for the invertors and one battery so far
need about £3000 for the full setup though.. but after that i could run air-con 24/7 and the PC's 24/7 so long as the sun was shining or the wind was blowing
but till then.... shhhhhhhhhh cos the marina don't know!! and i only on a temporary berth so will be moved eventually
oh also only having internet on a USB dongle kinda limits me to
no static ip
and 500KB bout the best DL speed i get
edit: hmmm sorry seem to have gone emoticon mad... my bad!!