So for those who want to take advantage of the AWS $100 credit, here's how I picked up 300 XPM over the weekend, while only burning through $35 of the credit. I've been mining on a variety of VPS, physical and virtual hosts for the last few weeks - I wish I'd figured this out when the blocks were easier to mine!
It took about 10 minutes for the code to show up for $100 in credit
If you aren't ready to do all of this, don't do it now. Otherwise you'll burn through your credits !!
This does make an assumption that you have a VPS to use as your standard box - I keep a 128MB ServerCrate VPS as my jump box.
Log into amazon, redeem the credit, then go to My Account panel
You want to make sure of the following:
Click Key Pairs: Create Key Pair. Download the new pair and DO NOT LOSE IT!
Click Security Group: Create Security Group.
Create a new rule: SSH
Port Range: 22
Source: (This means from anywhere)
scp the new .pem to your jump box and 'chmod 600 *.pem' on the key
Launch Instance > Classic Wizard > Amazon Linux AMI 2013.03.1 64-bit version
Create 7 of them of type c1.xlarge (20ECU, 8core), making sure to use the new key pair you just created and the security group you created.
when they are finished being created, copy down the public DNS entry for each host.
ssh to your jump box and edit /etc/hosts. If you don't know how to use nano, there are other tutorials for that.
Add entries for the machines you created on AWS. (I named mine miner1, miner2, etc) Save the file with Crtl+o, then exit. Connect to your new machine with 'ssh -i *.pem ec2-user@miner1' -- you will have to fill in the key name and host name yourself, do not blindly copy this from here and expect it to work.
If all goes well, you should get a prompt to accept the new key from the new box.
If you don't get a prompt, then either your machine isn't ready yet or you are blocked by the sec group. If you aren't savvy enough to fix that, you can do the rest of this by using the java-based client in the browser.
su -c 'yum -y install gcc make autoconf gcc-c++ m4 openssl-devel db4-devel boost-devel'
mkdir -p .primecoin
echo 'server=1
sievesize=1000000' > .primecoin/primecoin.conf
sed -i -e "s/SOME_SECURE_PASSWORD/`< /dev/urandom tr -cd '[:alnum:]' | head -c32`/" .primecoin/primecoin.conf
rm -rf gmp-5.1.2.tar.bz2 gmp-5.1.2
tar xjvf gmp-5.1.2.tar.bz2
cd gmp-5.1.2
./configure --enable-cxx
sudo make install
rm -rf openssl-1.0.1e.tar.gz openssl-1.0.1e
tar xzvf openssl-1.0.1e.tar.gz
cd openssl-1.0.1e
./config shared --prefix=/usr/local --libdir=lib
sudo make install
rm -rf miniupnpc-1.6.20120509.tar.gz
wget -O miniupnpc-1.6.20120509.tar.gz
tar xzvf miniupnpc-1.6.20120509.tar.gz
cd miniupnpc-1.6.20120509
sudo INSTALLPREFIX=/usr/local make install
rm -rf primecoin-0.1.1-hp8.tar.bz2 primecoin-0.1.1-hp8
wget -O primecoin-0.1.1-hp8.tar.bz2
tar xjvf primecoin-0.1.1-hp8.tar.bz2
cd primecoin-0.1.1-hp8/src
sed -i -e 's/$(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH))/$(OPENSSL_INCLUDE_PATH) \/usr\/local\/include)/' makefile.unix
sed -i -e 's/$(OPENSSL_LIB_PATH))/$(OPENSSL_LIB_PATH) \/usr\/local\/lib)/' makefile.unix
sed -i -e 's/$(LDHARDENING) $(LDFLAGS)/$(LDHARDENING) -Wl,-rpath,\/usr\/local\/lib $(LDFLAGS)/' makefile.unix
make -f makefile.unix BOOST_LIB_SUFFIX=-mt
strip primecoind
sudo cp -f primecoind /usr/local/bin/
primecoind --daemon
echo "alias gmi='primecoind getmininginfo'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias gi='primecoind getinfo'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias la='primecoind listaccounts'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias lt='primecoind listtransactions'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias pps='primecoind getprimespersec'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias gb='primecoind getbalance'" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "alias gt='tail -f ~/.primecoin/debug.log'" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Now from your ssh console, you can type pps to show primespersec, gmi to getmininginfo, or open screen and type gt to watch the log.
Each of those is going to generate somewhere in the 4-5000 pps range and cost 0.580/hr to run.
[root@shark ~]# la
"" : 23.19000000
[root@shark ~]# pps
[root@shark ~]# gmi
"blocks" : 87964,
"chainspermin" : 13,
"currentblocksize" : 1191,
"currentblocktx" : 1,
"difficulty" : 9.27267396,
"errors" : "",
"generate" : true,
"genproclimit" : -1,
"roundsievepercentage" : 30,
"primespersec" : 4454,
"pooledtx" : 1,
"sievepercentage" : 10,
"sievesize" : 1000000,
"testnet" : false
You now have a mining cluster that can run for a week - At best, you'll see some XPM from it. At worst, you have nothing less than you have now!
Good luck!