next time, please provide some information. we can't do/check anything if your post has no clear reference to something.
i guess there
are currently were no blocks to confirm, because ~2-3 days ago the pool was down for a few hours.
this should be over soon.
i'll join, when i get back home again. i'll add a reference in this post, so dont believe the spoofers atm (just a wild guess, there are spoofers, right?) !!
i hope i can fix sharelog/sharehistory on the web frontend this evening
(caching everything on the web frontend was a bad idea <-- that's my excuse)
- xolokram
ps. the new cppsrb payout system already paid ~25700 share-"bundles" (sharehistory), and there are still ~11300 left in the sharelog, but we're moving towards the "bottom" of the "sharelog pit"