I experimented with rpool and encountered the problem of minimum payment size of 0.1 XPM. The 3.xxx XPM beeeeer payouts have never been a problem, at least not that I am aware of; I am going to be checking much closer from now on. I can't see how an an 8.xxx payout should be a problem. I emailed them about it. If they are not reliable I may look elsewhere.
I guess a transaction isn't just a transaction? How does a "bulk payout" transaction differ from any other transaction? This makes no sense to me...
In my experience the wallet is a single point of failure. When I first started mining BTC I had a wallet, and it got corrupted and I lost it all. Sure I should have had a backup, but that is just another thing to worry about. From what I was able to glean on-line wallets were less trouble and less prone to corruption, as well as being accessible from multiple locations. But if on-line wallets are not reliable, either as an instance here or as a class, that puts an entirely different aspect to it.
Does this mean that when the difficulty exceeds 10 the minimum chain length required jumps from 9 to 10?
Now things are really strange. I just got a transaction of 3.xxx on mcxnow. It does not show up on Primecoin Explorer. I am not smart enough to figure out whom it came from, but is it the first of the new payouts?