Please keep in mind, there's NO WAY we'll be able to address even 1/3 of all these questions tonight. No worries, I will continue to schedule follow-up interviews with Sunny until all these questions are addressed.
1. what's your daily job ? (Romerun)
2. how close are we from version 4 ? (Romerun)
3. who are doing what in the dev team ? (Romerun)
4. Should we have a PPC foundation to set the coin to a focused path ? I hear Litecoin is about to found one (Romerun)
5. Folks in the other community have been bitching about the check point. Rumor has it is to be removed by the of year (PPC). Is that right ? What is the reason behind such time frame ? What about XPM ? (Romerun)
6. Beside finding prime, have you thought of other types of full-on prove of work ? (Romerun)
7. What are services that you would like to see by order ? We pretty much have settled on exchanges, but the acceptance is close to nonexistence. (Romerun)
8. Who are your business and personal heroes? (MeBeingAwesome)
9. What legacy do you wish to leave through your Peercoin experience? (MeBeingAwesome)
10. Where do you see Peercoin ten years from now? (MeBeingAwesome)
11. Do you have a contingency plan to keep the currencies going should (god-forbid) something happen to you? (Excelsior)
12. What inspired you to choose the name Sunny King? (Excelsior)
13. How many years do you think it will take for PPC to reach $100? (Excelsior)
14. What long-term plans do you have for PPC development? (Excelsior)
15. When (roughly) do you think PPC will lift the remaining checkpoints? (Excelsior)
16. What existing impediments do you think keeps PPC from being the absolute perfectly designed crypto - and are there ways to change it to get it there? (Excelsior)
17. What is your long-term vision for PeerCoin and strategy leading to that vision? (Mhps)
18. What is your one-year plan and mid-term roadmap that implement your strategy? (Mhps)
19. How do you want to assemble a development team beside you (the architect) ? (Mhps)
20. Could we migrate/copy all the features of BTC to PPC in the long run? like colored coin/mastercoin stuff? (Redlee)
21. Should we set up a PPC foundation? (Redlee) <<Repeat>>
22. The main thing I want to see Sunny address in detail is the accusation that proof of stake is setup like central banking, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Certain people have problems with the fact that those who own the most coins will get the most newly minted coins. (Sentinelrv)
23. Why is PPC still the best coin compared to all the other PoS/PoW coins now coming out? (Coolbeans94)
24. Basically, what is so good about PPC that set's it apart from it's clones, and why was the way PPC designed to be the way it is, why is it the best design out of them all? (Coolbeans94)
25. Why was it designed the way it was vs. being designed with a faster block target, or higher inflation rate. (Coolbeans94)
26. How is PPC still going to be competitive/supreme on energy efficiency? (Coolbeans94)
27. Is it's design more for long-term security and sustainability? (Coolbeans94)
28. How will PPC be able to fend off competition from other coins? (Coolbeans94)
29. Should we merge with the bitcoin 0.9 (instead of 0.8 ) and go from there? (Irritant)
30. What features will the new PPC client have, and will proof-of-stake minting be made more easy to do or even automated? (Matt608)
31. Is PPC/XPM your full time job? (Muto)
32. Do you hold enough cryptocoins to live from that? (Muto)
33. When did you start with bitcoins? (Muto)
34. Are you Satoshi Nakamoto or met him ever? (Muto)
35. Do you plan to release another currency? (Muto)
36. What do you think is the biggest risk for PPC? For me it is that you are somehow not available anymore, do you have plans for this case? (Muto)
37. Is Sunny King one person or a group of persons? (Muto)
38. The scale exponent between PoW Reward and hashrate is -1/4, and why not -1/3 or -1/2? Is it -1/4 a magic number which has any necessary meaning that -1/3 or -1/2 doesn't have? (Jimmy)
39. Is there any block data parsing tool available right now for peercoin? (Jimmy)
40. How about peercoin wealth distribution now about 14 months after its birth? (Jimmy)
41. How do you think of its evolution in the next year? (Jimmy)
42. Do you think value stability is important and desirable for PPC? (D5000)
43. If tx fees will continue to be fixed at 0.01, which solutions do you imagine for micropayments? (D5000)
44. What mechanism prevents PPC to collapse in a worst-case-scenario, e.g. a year-long strong bear market with steadily dropping hashrate, increasing mining rewards and higher inflation? (D5000)
45. Can we merge Peercoin with Bitcoin 0.9? (Super3)
46. If you're not Satoshi, do you plan on following in his footsteps and vanishing into the night once Peercoin is successful, never to be heard from again or do you plan on sticking around and being a voice for the currency? (Sentinelrv)
47. Can you tell us more about 'sendtoaddressfrom' and Avatar mode? (JustaBitofTime)
48. Have you looked at Zerocoin? If so, do you see that or something similar as a direction for PPC? (JustaBitofTime)
49. What are your thoughts on Namecoin's .bit domains? (JustaBitofTime)
50. Could you talk about the relationship of Peercoin to Litecoin and Bitcoin. What do you see long term? (JustaBitofTime)
51. Could you briefly explain Jordan Lee's Peershare idea in layman's terms? (JustaBitofTime)
52. What do think of all the coins that are based off PPC? (JustaBitofTime)
53. Could you briefly explain Jordan Lee's Peershare idea in layman's terms? (JustaBitofTime)
54. What do think of all the coins that are based off PPC? (JustaBitofTime)
55. What are your thoughts about F@H? Do you see a place for it in crypto coins? (JustaBitofTime)
56. PPC has been accused of being a premined coin time and time again. In reality it was announced 9 days prior to launch with a high difficulty of 256. Why did you decide those parameters? (JustaBitofTime)
57. As of PrimeCoin PR, it would be really nice to have an article published in one of recognized popular science, or non-peer-reviewed science journals such as New Scientist, Science Illustrated, Scientific American etc. (CryptoBeggar)
58. Could you explain just how hard it actually is to perform a 51% attack on PoS? What would it take, and how much would it cost to perform this attack? Will this attack be perpetually harder to do as time goes on? (Alertness)
59. Why is the ratio between number of proof-of-work blocks and proof-of-stake blocks is variable in PPC. Seems to change from day to day, what causes this to happen? (Alertness)
60. Could you please explain exactly how the level of PoW and PoS difficulty is calculated? (Alertness)
61. About how many more weeks until PPC v0.4 comes out? What will be the new features? (Alertness)
62. How much longer do you think it will be before PPC v0.5 comes out and we have the user-enabled checkpoint system? (Alertness)
63. Can you explain how the ppc checkpoint system works by community consensus in the event of persistent 51% attack on proof-of-stake or other emergencies, and how that even though the checkpoints are currently centralized, this is not synonymous with ppc itself being centralized. Explain how there is no centralized control over changing ppc, but that in order to revert back to a checkpoint it still takes community consensus. (Alertness)
64. (pt2) So basically explain how centralized checkpoints does not meaning ppc is centralized. And could you give us an example: Explain basically what steps need to happen in the event of an emergency, so the community can quickly react, and knows what to do. (Alertness)
65. (pt3) Explain the difference between how the checkpoints are set up now and how this will be different in the future with the user-enabled checkpoints. Basically explain how ppc's checkpoint system is a good thing, and does not mean the ppc itself is centralized or arbitrarily controlled by you. (Alertness)
66. How will the constant adjustment of difficulty help with protecting the kernel? ( Irritant)