Author Topic: [ANN] [OPEN-BETA] Custom ASIC Support+Guides+More  (Read 4230 times)

Offline crazyearner

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    • CrazycoinTalk
After a lot of work I now release to the public. CrazycoinTalk This section of the site is going to be used for shop and other features so if you want access to it sin up forums are separate so its a double opt in.

New website and forum integration for members and much more.

This site will have a lot to offer in the future with paid/unpaid memberships, investments, earning opportunities and even having a shop to buy stuff from.

The current currencies which have been added are BTC, LTC, and TRC PPC and many more. With more being added throughout the week and over the next weekend.  We will be offering a range of products from GPUs, CPU's, FPGA bulk orders and also depending on time constraints from the manufacturer’s  we will offer ASIC bulk buy options.

The FPGA bulk buy will be where our group combine funds for a bulk purchase shipped to our business and then redistributed out to our group members. This will save on shipping, time delays and other hidden costs. This is just one of many projects that are going on within our group. You might even get an invite to this group if you are trusted and willing to invest into this project.

We are also in constant contact with a number of manufacturers who are considering/already producing some big FPGA units, Asic units and even Scrypt units for coins such as LTC. We however will not disclose any of this information to the public at this early point as this is strictly private and confidential. When the time is right then we will make an announcement.   

We, as well as many of you are sick of the topics which people make resulting in scams. We have no intentions of overpromising and under delivering; we have a lot of people behind us who can back up what is happening with the projects. Before anything gets released to the public we will offer to make arrangements to meet up with people locally as a formal introduction with a live-stream conference call from a private location showing you the units in working order up and running and able to connect to any pool you request once our team have it.  So if you do become part of our bulk buying group and/or involved in our other projects, then you are also going to be a key person within our business, and we look forward to having you onboard.

If you do not wish to be part of the main group then you can still make the decision to buy or not and we will offer a range of payment/delivery options. But the individual purchase option is a fair way off yet compared to the group purchase investment option and other projects. 

I will update this thread with announcements.

Security features

I am sorry that their is a captcha phrase to solve when joining I have had to install this and other security features to prevent bots and spam registration from happening. Already had 22+ bots tried to join. 2 or 3 got past however where added to the list and seems all is good so far. On a good note tho:) when you have full member status, this will be removed so you will no longer get the annoying codes.

Sign up emails are going to spam folder. This is been worked on and email server been amended to fix this problem.

If you have any questions or ideas to improve services feel free to contact me on here or via email, Skype, IRC, Raidcall :)

Improvements and updates list as of 08/08/13

  • Paid membership added
  • New Alt Coins Added BTB,GLD,PWC,GME,CNC,FTC
  • New ways to earn online not only with crypto currencies but actual funds. High and low risk of fully tested business from myself and our team are being added.
  • New Skype Group added
  • Raidcall group details added
  • Investment opportunities with our company. This will also have crypto currencies involved too. (work in progress)
  • Shop to buy 100% legit and legal products from our registered business. Shop will be released later on this month if their enough products to list and shipping with wholesalers has been sorted.
  • Forum integration has been done so that you only need to sign up on the site in order to access all features and also the forums.
  • New prizes and events to happen later this month. More details will follow later.
  • Paid advertising, Get your site listed on our site contact myself or support at for prices
  • Partnership added. Want to partner with our team or want to link back to each other feel free to contact me and I will look at providing this for you.
  • New forums added and integrated security This is going to be mainly used for all guides and much more so get signing up. Check spam folder for welcome email as still got a few problems fixing this to land in inbox.
  • New Pool admin sections added so that if you are a pool admin you will get your own custom badge and also section for your pool and a section for your members too.
  • Mining guides and information on how to get started with each coin configuration details and settings for many different gpus including Asic USB soon.
  • Paid to post section will be added after some testing is done so this can not be abused you wil learn points in exchange for crypto currency however this is a far way off yet but is constantly been tested. More details of this will be listed and updated soon.

I am also open to pool admins using this site for their pools and their members for support. So if you are looking for a community that supports all coins and want to provide support for all your members please contact myself and I will go through details and process with you.

This is just some of the things that are going on with our company our team and our community and business. If you want to get involved feel free to sign up as theirs more on its way.

If you got any questions feel free to post.
New Website For The Masses All Alt Crypto Coins Welcome