hey craslovell, i see that you run your own mining pool for primecoin? could you explain more how that works please, I'm interested
Unfortunately no I do not run my own pool, that would be cool though!
The only primecoin pool is what I would consider experimental right now and somewhat untested. I do applaud their efforts in trying to get it working 100% though! My honest opinion would be that you are better off taking your chances solo mining for now until a tried and true method for pool mining is released for primecoin.
As for locating your wallet.dat, click your windows or start button, and in the run/search bar, type
%appdata% and hit enter. You should see a primecoin folder in the list after hitting enter, your wallet.dat is stored in that primecoin folder.
Another good way to get your wallet.dat file would be to run a daily backup of your wallet. Open your primecoin wallet, go to
File and select
Backup Wallet... then choose a name and where you want to save it!